Friday 11 April 2014

New North Sea coal could power Britain for centuries

There’s been some good news from the North Sea - scientists have announced that they’ve found enough coal under the sea to potentially power Britain for centuries to come.

Dermot Roddy, former professor of energy at Newcastle University, told the Sunday Times that scientists believe there could be between three trillion and 23 trillion tonnes of coal buried under the North Sea, an amount that’s thousands of times greater than all the oil and gas we have taken out so far.

“If we could extract just a few per cent of that coal it would be enough to power the UK for decades or centuries," he said.

The first exploratory boreholes are expected to be sunk by the end of 2014.

Experts believe that this discovery could be ‘game changing’ – and Richard Selley , Professor of petroleum exploration at Imperial College London is one of them.

"A decade ago the talk was all about peak oil and gas but that has gone out of the window," he said.
"The big game-changer is seismic imaging, which has become so sensitive that we can now pinpoint the 'sweet spots' where shale gas, oil and coal are to be found.

"There have also been huge improvements in horizontal drilling . . . and in hydraulic fracturing [fracking], which lets us get the gas and oil out of rock. If we put aside the green issues, then in perhaps 10 years we could be self-sufficient in gas and possibly oil too."

At T Ward Shipping, we think this is exciting this space!

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